February - June 2024
Just landed back home...
Had brilliant and very fruitful recording sessions in Warsaw.

Thank you so so much Jan, Magda, Piotr & Mariusz, Acte Préalable & Polish Radio Studios - you are fantastic, a superb team, as always, totally indebted to you all!!


It's been a little while since posting, family health issues have dominated at times, but life hasn't stopped and remained very busy and yet, still full of wonderful musical experiences 🎶❤️
This week has been no exception - fabulous Recitals, so far, from 8 of my Southampton University students (7 solo and one piano trio). Well done everyone!! You've worked so hard and I'm so proud of you all!!
Look forward to next week's 2 piano duos and another piano trio... then June - 4 more solo Recitals. Crazily busy but so, so rewarding!!!
Love my job


January 2024

Wishing everybody the very best and Happy New Year for 2024.


December 2023

My full performance of Rachmaninov's Piano Concerto No.2 in C minor Op.18 is here:-

Rachmaninov - Piano Concerto No. 2 in C minor Op. 18 : Valentina Seferinova

whilst the sublime 2nd. movement (only) is here :-

Rachmaninov - 2nd Movement of Piano Concerto No. 2 in C minor Op. 18 : Valentina Seferinova


October 2023
Next up ....... Have been waiting a long time for this one to come around ... See 'Engagements' page

How about a (Musical) Night at the Movies :)

Night at the Movies - Valentina Seferinova

See my 'Engagements' page.


August 2023

Next up :-

Rachmaninoff Piano Concerto No. 2 in C minor Op.18 (aka Rach 2 !)

Guest Soloist with the Havant Symphony Orchestra on afternoon 9th December


For received reviews/comments about my piano recital below

please go to my 'Concert Reviews' page.


Valentina Seferinova

Just received publicity info from the promoter, Andrew McVittie, for my lunchtime concert on Saturday 9th September - in the Menuhin Room, 3rd Floor, Portsmouth Central Library.

"Join Valentina for this uniquely intimate solo recital in which she will reflect on her own musical journey as one of our most distinguished concert pianists.  This Romantic programme, performed on the Menuhin Room’s Steinway piano, features music by Sergei Rachmaninoff, Joachim Raff, and Lubomir Rozycki and goes full circle – but both beginning and ending with “love”. As well as established repertoire, this special one-off performance also offers  a chance to explore some lesser known musical territory which thankfully is now beginning to reach wider audiences through Valentina’s dedication and highly acclaimed recordings. Valentina’s performances continue to bring much joy and inspiration, so please book early."

See my Engagements Page for programme info.

Tickets for unreserved seating £15 from Eventbrite at Valentina Seferinova Piano Recital 9th September Menuhin Room or reserved seating directly by email to Andrew McVittie


July 2023

Phew !

It's been very busy ; 3 concerts in 3 days !!

Time to take a bit of a break.

Will be up in Newcastle-upon-Tyne for our son's graduation ceremony for his M.Eng. Master of Engineering; Civil Engineering - with Honours, First Class degree.

But next up will be a lunchtime solo performance in September (Saturday - 9th) in Portsmouth's Menuhin Room.

Looking forward to that - although I've still to finalise the program !! :


June 2023
Want to study Music and/or related subjects at Uni?
Music can be composed, arranged, taught, studied, analysed, recorded and more. Our university rankings for Music include Musical Theatre and Music Production.



Very much looking forward to appearing at Chichester Festivities on Monday 3rd July - with Bogdan Vacarescu (Violin)

International virtuosos Bogdan Vacarescu and Valentina Seferinova present a stunning programme for violin and piano featuring treasures by Vivaldi, Tartini, Vitali, Beethoven, Chopin and Sarasate. “A performance of virtuosity, energy, spontaneity and poetry in equal measure.” (The Classical Reviewer).

See my 'Engagements' page


May 2023

My two orchestral performances back in my native Bulgaria - particularly in my home town of Vidin, went very very well.

There were daily interviews and coverage by BNR - Bulgarian National Radio

Here's me after being interviewed live on-air with 2 of the radio staff/interviewers/reporters

Radio Vidin - Valentina Seferinova

One of their interviews was posted on their website


The headline reads "Световноизвестна пианистка от Видин се завръща на родна сцена."

Google Translate gives it as = "A world renowned pianist from Vidin is returning to her native stage."


April 2023

I can now reveal my next UK orchestral performance !!

Saturday 9th December (Note - afternoon at 2:30pm to avoid evening clash with Strictly etc !!)

with Havant Symphony Orchestra

Rachmaninov’s Piano Concerto No. 2 in C minor, Op. 18.

(aka 'Rach 2' !!)

Widely described as the greatest piano concerto ever written.

Regularly No. 1 in listeners choice in Classic FM annual charts.

If, when listening to the sublime second movement (and it doesn't bring a tear to the eye!), you think you might have heard the tune somewhere else before, take a listen to the power ballad 'All By Myself'. The song was based on Rachmaninov’s melody.

Ever been slightly curious as to what I do - THIS IS one to be at !!


March 2023
Just received the poster from Bulgaria - for my 2 performances with the Vidin Sinfonieta in Vidin and then Sofia on 21st and 22nd April.
Will be guest soloist for Saint-Saens 2.

Nice to see I get top billing !! Sshh ! 🤫 🙂 🙂

February 2023

Very much looking forward to this on Thursday 2nd February lunch time ! :)



Valentina Seferinova (Piano)

Catherine Lawlor (Violin)

Piers Burton-Page (Reader)


La cathédrale engloutie (The Sunken Cathedral) (1910) - Debussy (1862-1918) - Piano

The Myths (1915) - Karol Syzmanowski (1882-1937) - Violin & Piano

1. La fountaine d'Aruthuse

2. Narcisse

3. Dryades et Pan


Readings and Introductions by Piers Burton-Page (formerly the Voice of BBC Radio 3)



January 2023

Ila Arun Manev Singh

Just recently returned from a simply amazing visit to the Golden Triangle of India (Delhi, Jaipur, Agra [Taj Mahal]).
The photo is of a chance encounter at a theatrical event in Agra with a Bollywood superstar and singer Ila Arun on my right. (Google her name !).
On my left is the also amazing Manav Singh - who was our fantastic Tour Guide throughout (who comes highly recommended should you ever want comprehensive info and support for a visit that should be on everyone's Bucket List).


December 2022


Absolutely near breathless with excitement to announce 2 performances with Vidin Sinfonietta Orchestra.

An emotional return to my home town on the banks of the River Danube - to be guest soloist with the very first orchestra I ever played with as a 13 and 14 year old.

In April next year

With a repeat performance the following night in the capital Sofia - in a hall next to the National Palace of Culture (Bulgaria's 'Albert Hall)

Featured will be Saint-Saëns - Piano Concerto No. 2 in G minor Op. 22

More details to follow as they're agreed.


November 2022

Last night's performance at the Great Hall of the Maltings, Farnham of Debussy's 'Petite Suite' (with fellow pianist Adam Blosse) and our accompaniment of 'Luminosa' choir's performance of Brahms' 'Requiem' very well received by a packed audience.

You can check it out here!


Very much looking forward to an exciting evening with a difference at one of my favourite venues from my early days in the UK -

at the Regis Recital Hall, Sudley Road, Bognor on 19th November

A programme of Light Opera and Piano for the Bognor Regis Music Club.

With Natalia Buciuman (Soprano - former leading prima soprano of the Operetta Theatre in Bucharest) and myself

See my 'Engagements' page for fuller details.


From the 8th October Free Concert in the Menuhin Room, Portsmouth Library

Claude Debussy's La cathédrale engloutie (The Sunken Cathedral) - La Cathedral Engloutie


Zygmunt Noskowski's En Autumn Op.29 No.1 - En Autumn - Zygmunt Noskowski


October 2022

21st October 2022 - End of an Era

End of an era!
23 years of my life have been spent teaching at what used to be South Downs College, then HSDC...
23 years full of emotions, excitement, joy, sometimes sadness, even stress... but never dull!
23 years of working with fantastic musicians, wonderful colleagues and great friends, teaching hundreds of incredibly talented students, many of which now being well established professional musicians themselves, others going into completely different professional fields, but all doing brilliantly in whatever they do...
I feel so privileged to have been part of their life and education...
Today was my last day at South Downs/HSDC - we had great choir session, followed by a wonderful concert and send off, flowers, cards...
Though sad and very emotional, I feel optimistic that the HSDC music department is left in the safe and very capable hands of fabulous Millie and marvelous Amanda!
I know music will continue thriving at HSDC and the music department will continue producing high level of great young musicians as it has done for the past 3 or more decades (achieving best music A-level results in the entire UK in 2005 and 2006!)...
Will miss you all but look forward to seating in the audience and enjoying listening to splendid future performances


17th October

Today is the anniversary of the death of Frederyk Chopin - one of the greatest composers and piano virtuosos.

A Varsovian (Warsaw) by birth, a Pole at heart, a citizen of the world.

Chopin was buried in Paris, but his heart 🫀 is where his home was - in Poland.

Try this - his Fantaisie in F minor op 49


Am looking forward to accompanying Romanian and International virtuoso violinist Bogdan Vacarescu - in The Menuhin Room, 3rd. Floor, Portsmouth Central Library on 8th. October - see my 'Engagements' page for more info.

He now lives and teaches locally here in the UK. Fuller details on his website above.


September 2022
Rediscovering a hidden Portsmouth gem !
A magnificent full size Steinway concert grand! Widely regarded as the best instrument along the South Coast !
Last 'seen and heard' many years ago in the central library's 3rd floor Menuhin Room (originally designed specifically for intimate concerts, and opened by the maestro himself).
The room was closed for refurbishment in 2003/4 ; but never really reopened ever-since 🙁 .
A relaunch concert event featuring many renowned local musicians is being planned for October.
Menuhin Room 1
Menuhin Room 2
See 'Engagements' page
The relaunch concert has now been agreed between the Portsmouth City Council and organiser Andrew NcVittie.
It will take place at 12:30pm Saturday lunchtime on 8th October.
Numbers are limited and tickets will be allocated on a first come first served basis

Complimentary tea and coffee will be served to concert-goers in the Lily & Lime Café during the interval.

The total event running time, including interval, is approximately 2 +/- hours. (performers will be doing 10/15 minutes each)

Performers appearing will include (in alphabetical order):

Robert Blanken (clarinet); Kate Burrows (piano); Ashton Gray (piano); Karen Kingsley (piano); Mikhail Lezdkan (‘cello); Helen Morris (piano); myself - Valentina Seferinova (piano); Bogdan Vacarescu (violin); Angela Zanders (piano).

Performances will include music by: Debussy, Horowitz, Parry, Brahms,
Nosokowski, Chopin, Saint-Saens, Shostakovich, Delius, Gershwin,
Beethoven, Schumann, Amy Beach.
TO BOOK UNRESERVED SEATS please email the organiser Andrew McVittie stating the number of seats you need and the names of those attending so that these can be added to the door list. Andrew’s email address is amcvittie@live.com Alternatively, bookings can be made by telephone on 07563 840081
IF YOU'VE EVER WONDERED WHAT I DO - NOW IS YOUR CHANCE TO FIND OUT AND HEAR FOR YOURSELF - FOR FREE !! We're hoping that this free event will be well attended - and encourage the Council to bring the Menuhin Room back into regular use as a live music venue.
Please spread the word !!


August 2022
Claude Debussy, famous French impressionist composer, he of Clair de Lune and many other famous pieces, was born on 22nd August some 160 years ago.
His 3 story house on the outskirts of Paris has been ‘converted’ into a museum dedicated to him.
On the 3rd floor which was his bedroom housing his piano has been converted into a small very intimate auditorium.
Once a year the Trustees cast around the world to invite a pianist(s) who is known as a world class performer of his works to give an Anniversary concert to Debussy fans who fly in from around the world for this annual event. It is a rare honour to be so invited. It certainly isn’t a situation where you can ring up and ask !!
He died in 1918 – 104 years ago. So allowing for years before the event was inaugurated and war years etc – there’s perhaps only 60 or 70 musicians world-wide who’ve been granted this honour.
By 1999 those numbers would have been less – perhaps 50 or so only.
Valentina, together with her late colleague Emilia Mihaylova, is one of those select few.
Here is part of a performance they gave for Bulgarian TV – from a tape rescued from the archives.
Happy 160th Birthday
Monsieur Debussy!



July 2022

As Schools, Colleges, and Universities break-up for the summer holidays

may I wish a great and happy holiday time to all. xxx


On the 21st June I participated in the Solent Symphony Orchestra's perfromance with the Milton Glee Choir in a 'Music from the Movies' concert.

Here is the closing item of the first half - the Finale of

Saint-Saëns - Symphony No. 3 in C minor, Op.78 ('Organ Symphony')

with myself and Victoria, one of my Southampton University Performance Master's degree students, taking the 4-hands piano part. I hope you enjoy.


June 2022

Followers will know that I've performed as a soloist twice in recent months of

Saint-Saëns - Piano Concerto No. 2 - G minor Op. 22.

Videos of both performances are now available.

With The Petersfield Orchestra at The Festival Hall, Petersfield is here.

With Nova Foresta Orchesta at the historic Romsey Abbey is here.

Hope you enjoy - one or both !!


May 2022

Nova Foresta


April 2022

Sofia's equivalent of UK's 'Blue Plaques' commemorating the residences of famous people.
Just installed - at long last - and long overdue - one commemorating Dr. Professor Lubomir Dinolov; my Professor and mentor since I was aged 9 years - and constant friend and advisor who sadly left us in 2008.

Lubomir Dinolov Lubomir Dinolov

What overwhelming and humbling feedback to my Petersfield Orchestra appearance ; the comments haven't stopped :-

Its highlight was the Saint-Saëns 2nd Piano concerto, which was given an electrifying account by Seferinova.
“The highly virtuoso piece begins with a rhapsodic piano solo : the orchestra gradually joins a thrilling dialogue with the piano.
Seferinova’s formidable technique, power, and at times delicate expressivity were never in doubt, and she richly deserved the rapturous (standing) ovation from the capacity audience”
- Sarah Hard, Petersfield Post . 30th March 2022

".. last night's spectacular concert. The Saint-Saëns was completely thrilling and a tour de force."
"she brought the house down! "
"just an excuse to write to you and say how totally overwhelmed we were by your performance last night. It was an unforgettable evening"
".. your sensational concert last night"
"The last night was simply wonderful! Thank you "
" I'm still on a high"
"Wonderful and moving performance as always. Thank YOU X"
"Beautiful, emotional expressive. I will remember your performance forever and so grateful that I could hear you play. X X X"
"Well done, Valentina, you were fabulous! I shall say it again - I just don’t know how you can remember all of those notes in one go for so many concerti! Xx"
"Stunning performance last night"
"Valentina's talent never ceases to amaze me"
“You were absolutely phenomenal xxxx”
“The Saint-Saëns was absolutely fantastic and Valentina is an astonishing pianist - absolutely lovely to hear it.”
“I have really fond memories of performing in the Petersfield orchestra (as a double-bassist). Would have made my year to have performed alongside you ❤”
“…..and especially the Piano Concerto which was one of the most thrilling experiences we have ever had at a Petersfield Musical Festival concert!


March 2022

Last Friday was the 1st rehearsal with orchestra for my Guest Solo appearance with the Petersfield Orchestra for a performance of Saint-Saëns - Piano Concerto No. 2 in G minor Op. 22.

Although probably Saint-Saëns most popular concerto (a ‘Crackin’ Concerto’ !), it is at times a very intense and difficult concerto for both orchestra and pianist (perhaps one of the most!?) – but the rehearsal went exceptionally well – which itself bodes well for the performance at Petersfield’s Festival Hall next Thursday evening 24th March, as part of the overall Petersfield Music Festival.

Also in the evening’s program is Schuman - Overture Scherzo & Finale; with the second half of Brahms - Symphony No. 4.

But before the performance begins at 7:30pm – beginning an hour earlier at 6:30pm is a talk in the auditorium/hall about the evening’s music. Taking part will be the former voice of BBC Radio 3 Piers Burton-Page; Musical Director and Conductor Robin Browning; and myself.

I’m told there are only a few tickets left for the whole evening - either tiered seating or ‘on-the-flat’– with it heading for a complete sell out. Remaining tickets can be obtained on-line at https://www.ticketsource.co.uk/booking/venueplan/RdiEJKhzXNnT (booking fee may apply) ; or in person at One Tree Books, 7 Lavant Street, Petersfield.

For those with tickets already – and those who may yet get tickets – may I suggest being inside the auditorium well in advance to enjoy the pre-concert talk and discussion – which I’m sure will add to the evening’s atmosphere and enjoyment. (cheering, whooping, and other expressions of enjoyment much appreciated - !!)

Hope to see and speak to as many of you as possible – though this might be difficult at times !!

- Valentina


Exactly 3 years to the day since we arrived in Kiev, Ukraine - on our way to Lviv.
Never once did we ever sense that the Ukrainians we met were unhappy with their lot. They were relaxed and welcoming; enjoying their independence from the former USSR and Russia.
What now threatens to overwhelm them is a tragedy of enormous proportions.
As a sign of solidarity - have a couple of minutes listening to some excellent Ukrainian musicians.
"Very Good" take :) Recording Corentin Boissier's 'Glamour Concerto' in Lviv, Ukraine


Just come across this 'Teaser' from the French composer's website/YouTube Channel

Corentin Boissier: Two Piano Concertos and a Sonata – TEASER


Proud teacher moment at Southampton University
Received my 1st Year undergraduate students and my M.Mus Performance students mid-year recital results - they all did fantastically well ... plus one of them got the highest score of all MMus Performance this semester.
Congratulations to all!



February 2022

9th February - just been notified of this Facebook post ......


Just heard that Petersfield Music Festival and Petersfield Orchestra will publish this :-

"The Petersfield Orchestra are delighted to welcome Valentina back as a soloist (on 24th March) after her acclaimed performances of the Grieg Piano Concerto in 2011 and Rachmaninov’s Rhapsody on a Theme by Paganini in 2017."

If you'd like to be entertained for 30 or so minutes - here's the Grieg as it was on that night 🙂



Just received - 'Hot Off The Press'.
Details of my forthcoming performance as soloist with the Petersfield Orchestra on Thursday 24th March at 7:30pm at Petersfield's Festival Hall in a performance of Saint-Saëns - Piano Concerto No. 2, Op. 22 (described as probably his most popular concerto. Hint - there's a lot of piano in it 🙂 ) : I will also be taking part in the pre-concert talk/chat (in the Bar !!) at 6:30pm.
Also in the programme is Schumann's Overture, Scherzo & Finale ; and Brahms Symphony No.4.
I'm told by the Orchestra that priority tickets are 'going like hot cakes' for the return of live music ; remaining tickets go on general sale from 7th February.
For those interested - even those with who might just be curious to see and hear how I handle a 60 piece backing group (don't be put off by the high and mighty sounding 'title' - it's great stuff !!) , make note of the booking details!
Come and enjoy an evening of fantastic live music. (whooping, and appreciation encouraged - in the right places of course 🙂 )
January 2022

Boissier Fanfare review

Recorded Feb into March 2019 Lviv, Ukraine; and then Paris ; Naxos Germany in control of production ; the release much Covid delayed until summer this year - but finally international reviews are coming in - Germany, Italy, and obviously from UK, etc. ; all v. positive ; this one just in from USA - published in Fanfare Magazine, which presents itself as "the world's finest classical CD review magazine" .

Full review here.

Scroll down this page to listen to samples of each track.


December 2021

A very Happy New Year to all.


A very Merry Christmas to all.


November 2012
Always in our hearts 🖤🖤🖤
Винаги в сърцата ни! 🖤🖤🖤
01.02.1936 - 07.11.2021
Почивай в мир, Татко.и Дядо
Rest in peace, Dad. and Grandpa


October 2021
I've been asked several times as to how the Lunchtime Recital given recently by Catherine Lawlor and myself in St.Thomas' Cathedral, Old Portsmouth, went.
There's an independent review published here:-


Fantastic evening in prospect - as live music returns to the community

Saturday 2 October 2021

At 19.30 at St Thomas’ Cathedral, Old Portsmouth

Borodin Overture - Prince Igor

Liszt Piano Concerto No 1 in Eb

Soloist: Thomas Luke

Winner of the Portsmouth Music Festival Concerto Award 2019

Winner of the keyboard category of the BBC Young Musician of the Year 2020

Dvorak Symphony 8 in G major

Solent Symphony Orchestra 2nd Oct 2021


September 2021

A month of final rehearsing - preparing with Catherine Lawlor (Violin)

for our live lunchtime recital at Portsmouth Cathedral on Thursday 30th September

followed by more recording sessions in the Turner Simms Recital Hall at Southampton University

for our forthcoming CD 'Myths and Legends'


July 2021

Have been priviledged to take part in a sort of VLog/Podcast by Anthony Cheng.

He's just published the results - which you can see at https://youtu.be/Hwc0o0IE4tk


June 2021

Hello people - at long last my latest CD - number 14 ! - the one I made in Lviv, Ukraine, with the Ukrainian Festival Orchestra under Grammy winning conductor John McLaughlin Williams, and in a recording studio in Paris - just over 2 years ago, has finally been released.
Its delay has been caused by Covid issues along the way - but has now received it's first international review.
It's title is 'Boissier : Two Piano Concertos and a Sonata'.
The first in-depth and fantastic review has appeared on-line at Music Web International.
The review is mostly an analysis of the music; and of the composer himself.
Here are some edited extracts relevant to the actual recordings.
I clicked on the first of the available samples out of interest, but literally couldn’t believe my ears. The start was exactly like hearing the ‘Warsaw Concerto’ all over again, and as I then avidly played through the remaining samples, I quickly realised that the musical content of the disc was something quite different from what I’d initially imagined it to be.… ”.
The highly-committed performances from the Ukrainian Festival Orchestra are very much at one with the composer’s intentions, with inspired American conductor, John McLaughlin Williams, constantly keeping them on their toes, and extracting the maximum pizazz from each section.”
In Bulgarian pianist Valentina Seferinova, Boissier has a fine exponent to deal with the powerful style of writing, which frequently leans more towards the massive chordal writing in Brahms’s Second Piano Concerto, ………”
The absolutely first-rate recordings are most vivid and additionally add to the Boissier’s total credibility and overall appeal of his works.
You could become instantly smitten by what you hear
—Philip R Buttall, MusicWeb International
Elsewhere it’s apparently receiving plenty of airtime in the USA and across Europe (where someone says “just luxuriate in it!”)
Suggest you seek out samples of each track - widely available across the internet - including lower down on this page of my website - then make up your own mind ! 🙂 before making your final decision.


Amongst other places this is where I work 🙂
The Faculty of Arts and Humanities at Southampton University.
Stand by :-
The Faculty of Arts and Humanities brings together the specialisms of Archaeology, English, Film Studies, History, Modern Languages and Linguistics, Music, Philosophy and the Academic Centre for International Students.
Guardian University Guide 2021 = Ranked 2nd for Music.
Complete University Guide 2021 = Ranked 5th for Music.
Times Good University Guide 2021 = Ranked 4th for Music.
Research Excellence Framework 2014 = Music department is ranked number one for quality of research in the UK.

You're doing 'A' level music contemplating which Uni . 🙂 - take a long hard look at Southampton 🙂



For those interested - you can see a clip of the making/recording of Corentin Boissier's 'Philip Marlowe Concerto'



May 2021

Released for worldwide distribution - today 7th May

2 Piano Concertos and a Sonata - Corentin Boissier ; Valentina Seferinova

Available in multi formats (CD, MP3, FLAC, HD WAV) on the ToccataClassics label here.

Listen to sample(s) below :-

Glamour Concerto (2012; orch. 2016) :

Track 1 = I Glamour appassionato (Allegro)

Track 2 = II Manhattan Waltz-Romance (Moderato, tempo di Valse Boston)

Track 3 = III Spanish Lovers in Brooklyn (Andante – Allegro all’espagnola)

Piano Sonata No. 2, Appassionata (2015) :

Track 4 = I Allegro impetuoso (quasi una fantasia)

Track 5 = II Intermezzo: Andante espressivo

Track 6 = III Finale: Allegro appassionato

Philip Marlowe Concerto (2013; rev. 2018) :

Track 7 = I Allegro drammatico –

Track 8 = II Lento (Passacaglia) –

Track 9 = III Allegro feroce, tempo di toccata


April 2021
B R E A K I N G N E W S :-
Just announced - my Covid delayed latest CD (Composer Corentin Boissier) - recorded 2 years ago in Lviv, Ukraine - worldwide release on 7th May, on the Toccata label, announced.
The original Recording Engineer's comments on the post recording processing and mastering - "the sound has a vinyl like quality" (a compliment!.)
An owner of another record company commented on hearing snippets - "have just listened to the excerpt - sent shivers down my spine - gorgeous playing as always."
To be released in various formats = CD, MP3, FLAC, HDWav.
You can hear extracts here ; including a download of the booklet - by clicking on link below.



March 2021

Breaking News

Just announced !

I've been invited, and have agreed, to be Guest Soloist with The Petersfield Orchestra next March

as part of The Returning Petersfield Music Festival - March 2022

in a performance of

Saint-Saëns - Piano Concerto No 2 in G minor, Op 22

Musical and Entertainment Life Returns to Normal !! (YAY !)


1st of March - Spring just around the corner ; we hope ! 🙂
This month's video just uploaded.
New high definition video of a performance of Vladigeuroff's "Pesen/песен 'Song' Op 21 No 2 from December 2011 ; performed as a solo piece as an encore.



February 2021
Although the decision has only just been made known at the last minute, it's no surprise to learn that the planned Lunch Time Recital of Catherine Lawler (Violin) and myself on this coming Thursday 25th February in the Anglican cathedral of Old Portsmouth, - has been cancelled due to Covid.
The performance will now take place on Thursday 30th September at 1:10pm - all being well.


Just heard great news from one of my senior students.
He's notified me that he got a Distinction in his LTCL (Licentiate of Trinity College London) !
He can now add these letters after his name.
Amazing news ; and fantastically well done.


Much regret - but Covid-19 issues push the release date of my latest CD "Corentin Boissier - Two Concertos and a Sonata", on the Toccata Classics label, recorded in Lviv, Ukraine 2 years ago, back to May.

The final sound quality of the recordings has caught everybody's attention - with the original Ukrainian sound engineer enthusiasically describing the sound as "..vinyl like".


January 2021
Well - the last of the my Autumn/Winter ABRSM student's results are in !!
Included are an incredible 5 - yes 5 - DISTINCTIONS!
No names - but you already know who you are!
It's fantastic reward for all the effort, practicing, and support from your parents - who all must be immensely proud too.
Well done everybody 🙂 🙂


A couple of notable milestones passed within close proximity of each other in the last few days.
Both make me feel more than just a little humble.
A huge thankyou to everybody who’s been, and continues to be, part of it.
My Facebook ‘Concert Pianist’ page, now has 500 followers – whilst my YouTube channel has now more than 1/3rd of a million views.
Never thought it could/would happen when I first posted.
Thank You


Have just been notified officially that both the Portsmouth Music Festival, and the Petersfield Music Festival, where I was to have a Solo Recital performance, have, not surprisingly, been cancelled as a consequence of the current Covid-19 situation.
It's of course too soon to know whether any replacement events might take place later in the year - but we all hope that with the current lockdown and at least 2 vaccine programmes under way that the situation may improve.
Stay safe everybody.
Valentina xx


December 2020


Valentina Seferinova- Merry Christmas


More amazing news from my students:
My wonderful student George, who recorded Rachmaninov's 2nd piano concerto over the summer (unfortunately his concert in London's Cadogan Hall was cancelled) has received the prestigious Margaret Irene Seymour Music Award at Oxford University, where he started studying Engineering in September ❤🏆🎹
Very proud teacher 🙂
Още прексни новини от моите студенти:
Моят талантлив ученик George, който записа втория концерт за пиано на Рахманинов през лятото (за съжаление концертът му в лондонският „Cadogan Hall“ бе канселиран заради ковид19), получи престижната музикална награда „Маргарет Ирен Сеймур“ в Оксфордския университет, където започна да учи инженерство през септември ❤🏆🎹
Горд учител съм 🙂


Absolutely delighted with my students ABRSM performance/digital exam
results this term - three distinctions and two merits.
Well done to everyone! 👏
So happy teacher 🎶🙂🎹

(Two grade 8s, grade 7, grade 5, grade 3 🎼🙂🎹)


November 2020



Flattered to receive this YouTube comment for one of my Debussy performances :-

"Beautiful, Artistic, Expressive and Musical! Deserves more views and likes. Strange to see other mediocre performance of 'Clair de Lune' are more popular than this video. Performances from Classically trained musicians and teachers like Valentina deserves more appreciation and popularity. Thank you for posting this video."



Just learned that the number of students assigned to me at Southampton University has jumped from 1 last year to 10 this !!!

A mixture of Under Graduates - and Post Graduates !!


October 2020

From the Archives !! : Sergei Vasilyevich Rachmaninoff - (either 20th March or 1st April 1873 – 28th March 1943) was a most famous Russian composer, virtuoso pianist, and conductor of the late Romantic period. Many of his works have long been regarded as classics.
My Masters degree thesis was entitled ‘Nature of intonation and texture of the piano works of S V Rachmaninov’ - and I've always enjoyed performing his piano pieces.
In 2015 at a solo performance of mine in London, 2 of his Great Grand Children were present in the audience - namely Peter and Natalie Wanamaker; who had both flown in from the USA for the event.
To perform for such a celebrated audience was an absolute honour.
It was made even more special when they both - together with the rest of the audience, rose to a person in a standing ovation - given the number of performances they must have heard over their lifetime was a indeed extra special.
From my personal archive - here are 2 photographs taken at the reception afterwards.
Oh - the little 4 year old boy - my now 19 year old son Mark ; who still, to this day, is unaware of whose presence he was in !!


September 2020

1st of September - new academic year - and new Performance season!

Am happy to announce that I've agreed to be Guest Soloist (again !!) with the Petersfield Orchestra

next March (Thursday March 18th to be exact - subject to Corona virus of course) in a performance of

Saint-Saëns' - Piano Concerto No. 2 in G minor Op. 22 - (probably Saint-Saëns' most popular piano concerto).

Also in the program will be

Schuman - Overture Scherzo & Finale

Brahms - Symphony No. 4.

Hope you feel able - even at this early stage, to make a note and put it in your diary .


August 2020
May 2020

Just published ; an on-line interview I took part in; conducted by Simon O'Hea of 'Music in Portsmouth' whose website is the area's leading source of the latest classical music listings in and around Portsmouth, Fareham, Petersfield, Chichester, Havant & Hayling Island.

Well worth bookmarking and signing up for their Newsletter!.

Also worth doing is signing up to their Twitter feed.
The article is interspersed with YouTube video links from my personal archive - some not seen before!
I hope you enjoy.



The consequences of CoronaVirus lockdown continue - and probably for the immediate foreseeable future!

Since Easter quite a few more parents have signed up for on-line 1-2-1 sessions for their children ; it's now well over 30!!
During the week we changed our internet provider and upgraded our broadband connection to cope!
Apologies for any hiccups whilst we tweak and fine-tune it as it settles down ; please bear with me. .


April 2020

Although suspected for some time since the greater outbreak of coronavirus - have just had it confirmed that my scheduled visit to be in a recording studio in France in late May/early June - with others, has now, unsurprisingly, been officially postponed by the sponsor until a later date ; possibly 'sometime in the autumn'. 


With all teaching establishments closed until further notice - probably for all of the summer term!

With my husband's help - have turned my music room into an on-line teaching facility - with more than 30 of my students from various colleges and university wanting to participate in one-to-one sessions.

But - oh - the days are long !!!


March 2020

Rehearsing with Noah Chiari (Alto Sax) for last night's Hampshire Music Service show case concert in Winchfield.

Some comments were - that 'we stole the show'!!

Hampshire Music Service

Hampshire Music Service


Saturday 7th March - 7:30pm - St. Thomas' Anglican Cathedral, Old Portsmouth, Portsmouth PO1 2HA

I will be a member of the Solent Symphony Orchestra on the piano for the soloists participation.


Beethoven - Overture Leonora No 3

Canteloube - Songs from the Auvergne - Soloist: Lucy Cronin (soprano)

Brahms - Symphony No 3


Tickets: £15, £5 (students), Kids for a Quid and group concessions

On the door, online from Ticketsource or from 01730 601074


February 2020
It's a sad farewell to a long term friendship of over 25+ years - as my much loved upright Blüthner, which we shipped all the way from Sofia on the back of a TIR/HGV on settling in the UK, goes on the back of a van - on its way to a new home.
To be replaced next Tuesday by an almost new Irmler Studio Grand F172 - again by Blüthner - to join and match my existing Blüthner Grand.
Sad - but Happy Days !!

For the astute observers amongst you (ha ha ! ), you may have noticed from my website that I've just added Saint-Saëns' "Piano Concerto No. 2 in G minor, Op. 22" - probably his most popular piano concerto, to my Concertante repertoire.
Have taught this in the past - but never played it with an orchestra in public before.
Why have I just added it to my list?
""Can't say at the moment" - she said mysteriously !!??" 
But in the meantime here is maestro Arthur Rubenstein with the London Symphony Orchestra being conducted by Andre Previn.


Plans for the year beginning to take on more shape.

High degree of probability that I'll be back in France - again in a recording studio; in the late May/early June timeframe.

CD number 15 is on the cards - subject to agreements.


January 2020

Monday 27th January - Awards ceremony at Kings Theatre, Southsea.

..... and the Best Classical act award tonight went to Portsmouth Baroque Choir - well done, worthy winners ❤🎶👍
As my husband Mike observed - going up against orchestras and choirs - each with perhaps 50 or 60 members (and family and friends who would vote for them) was always, as a soloist, going to be a tough one !


Sunday 26th January.

Just accompanied my student George, performing beautifully Rachmaninoff 2nd piano concerto, 3rd movement for the Winchester Symphony Orchestra Young Soloist Competition 2020.
Wonderful playing and superb feedback, very proud teacher 🙂🎶🎹❤
Keep fingers crossed he gets to the Finals in July!


Recently received, for the 2nd year in succession, an invite to attend and appear at this years 'World Piano Conference', organised by the 'World Piano Teachers Association' at the end of June and beginning of July.!
Regrettably have had to turn the opportunity down (again!) because of existing pre-agreed commitments on 4th and 9th of July.
Otherwise it sounded interesting and 'cool' !!


10th January 2020 - Today at Southampton University - the Turner Sims Concert Hall (seating 600+) was my teaching room. A Fazioli Grand Piano (The 'Rolls Royce', the 'Creme de la Creme' of instruments) was my instrument for teaching on and practicing myself !! Here's one of my students. It just does not get much better !



10th January : Tonight is a notable full moon - the 'Wolf Moon' also with a penumbral eclipse.
Today I received this comment on one of my YouTube videos :- "So beautifully played! One of the most gorgeous renditions of Claire de lune I have ever heard. Bravo Valentina!"
So - to celebrate here is Claude Debussy's famous 'Clare de Lune' from his bigger work 'Suite Bergamesque'. I hope you enjoy. 



< B R E A K I N G - N E W S >
I've just discovered that I've been included, (in alphabetic order and the only individual) in the short list of top 6 nominees in the 'Best Classical' section of the Portsmouth News 'Guide Awards' for 2019. ! 
I quote ''Now the top six in each category, from music, to theatre, art and film will go forward to our Guide Awards Night, a glittering gala ceremony at the Kings Theatre in Albert Road, Southsea, on Monday, January 27, from 7pm, where we will be announcing the winners.''
I take the opportunity to say a HUGE thank all those who cast their vote in my favour.  

Details HERE.


December 2019

I wish everybody a peaceful, healthy, and prosperous 2020.

Here's to good music in the coming year!!! :)




Have been receiving lots of feedback from my latest Newsletter.
Just received this :- 
"It is my pleasure to vote for you Valentina, your inspired performance has brought much pleasure to me and many others. And through your collaboration I've been introduced to the wonderful Solent Symphony Orchestra. ......."


B R E A K I N G - N E W S!!

The Portsmouth News 'The Guide' has announced their annual nominations for various categories of the local Arts and Entertainment scene.
In the 'Best Classical' section I am lucky enough to have been nominated (again!!)
The citation reads :- "Valentina Seferinova: The pianist's performance of Ravel’s piano concerto with the Solent Symphony Orchestra and her control of the tranquil and serene solo brought about an atmosphere of celestial beauty."
If you scroll down the Newspaper's website page you will see the nominations - but before the lists is the link to where you can vote.
I would like to think that I could count on your vote - please. 

The article is here = Portsmouth News.

You can vote Here


I know it's still a while yet 'til Christmas - but a date for your diary ?
In aid of a worthy Charity. Tickets start from £20.
One of my students will be performing ! 

And I also will be accompanying a saxophonist !

Breast Cancer Charity Event
November 2019
Just been notified of a very favourable French website review of my CD No. 12 - recorded in Warsaw in June of last year.
The full website is http://www.leducation-musicale.com/newsletters/breves0919.html#cd1

Scroll down until you see 'Ludomir Róźycki - Piano Works 2' CD image.

I've translated each paragraph as follows (and am very happy with the final sentence !! :) :) )

Voici une nouvelle réalisation en première mondiale à l’actif du Label polonais ACTE PRÉALABLE et de son dynamique directeur Jan A. Jarnicki. C’est au tour du compositeur Ludomir ROZYCKI, né à Varsovie en 1883 et mort à Katowice en 1953, membre — comme, par exemple, Karol Szymanowski (1882-1937) — du mouvement artistique « Jeune Pologne » promouvant également l’art national, bien que manifestement influencé par l’impressionnisme français. Si son talent a joué à plein dans le domaine du poème symphonique, le volume 2 continue à exhumer son vaste corpus pianistique.

This is a new world premiere by the Polish label ACTE PRÉALABLE and its dynamic director Jan A. Jarnicki. It is the turn of the composer Ludomir ROZYCKI, born in Warsaw in 1883 and died in Katowice in 1953, member - as, for example, Karol Szymanowski (1882-1937) - of the artistic movement "Young Poland" also promoting the national art , although obviously influenced by French Impressionism. While his talent has played a full role in the field of the symphonic poem, Volume 2 continues to exhume his vast body of piano.

Parmi ses premières tentatives de composition, figurent ses 5 Préludes (op. 2) ainsi que ses 2 Préludes et 2 Nocturnes (op. 3), publiés à Varsovie, miniatures à finalité pédagogique d’une belle facture mélodique. Le Prélude n°2 est axé sur la technique contrapuntique alors que le Nocturne n°3 est plus lyrique, le n°4 Andante doloroso se veut plus tendu. Le CD s’ouvre sur la pièce de la maturité, toute frémissante, intitulée Laguna (op. 36, datant de 1915), imitant les vagues, à laquelle succèdent les 9 Esquisses (op. 39) à finalité pédagogique en 2 Cahiers, pièces intimes aux titres français où la retenue est de mise. Sa Fantaisie (op. 11), de structure plus libre, se déploie sur l’ensemble du clavier et dans toutes les nuances expressives. Quant à la Tance polskie (Danse polonaise, op. 37), elle honore la tradition nationale, avec des réminiscences proches de Chopin. Les Contes d’une horloge (op. 26) égrènent les notes avec suavité.

Among his first attempts at composition, are his 5 Préludes (Op 2) and 2 Préludes and 2 Nocturnes (Op 3), published in Warsaw, miniatures with pedagogical purpose of a beautiful melodic invoice. Prelude # 2 is focused on the contrapuntal technique whereas the Nocturne # 3 is more lyrical, the # 4 Andante doloroso is more tense. The CD opens on the piece of maturity, all quivering, entitled Laguna (36, 1915), imitating the waves, followed by the 9 Sketches (op.39) for pedagogical purpose in 2 Cahiers, plays intimate French titles where restraint is required. His Fantasia (op.11), of freer structure, unfolds over the entire keyboard and in all the expressive nuances. As for Tance polskie (Polish Dance, Op 37), it honors the national tradition, with reminiscences close to Chopin. Tales of a Clock (26) gracefully scribble the notes.

Le CD s’achève sur Italia (op. 50), vaste fresque en 4 mouvements avec deux thèmes religieux : Ave Maria et Campo santo (cimetière, très grave), une Barcarole et, en conclusion, évoque la décapitation de la parricide Beatrice Cenci en 1599. Valentina Seferinova (piano) s’investit pleinement dans les différentes atmosphères qu’elle recrée à merveille grâce à son rare sens du coloris.
Édith Weber

The CD ends with Italia (Op 50), a large fresco in 4 movements with two religious themes: Ave Maria and Campo santo (graveyard, very serious), a Barcarole and, finally, evokes the beheading of parricide Beatrice Cenci in 1599. Valentina Seferinova (piano) is fully involved in the different atmospheres that she recreates perfectly thanks to her rare sense of colour.
Edith Weber


It can be quite surprising sometimes how unexpectedly one's personal life and professional life can become entwined! Particularly when ones reputation goes before!
Today as part of a visit to the north-east of the country to visit my son, a student at Newcastle University - where I have performed professionally some time ago, and having been recognised - I have been approached to professionally assist in a Master Class event taking place this afternoon !!
Happy to oblige whilst my son is undertaking some project work that is currently engaging him for the afternoon !!

More News of possible performance engagement to follow.


I know it's still a while yet 'til Christmas - but a date for your diary ?
In aid of a worthy Charity. Tickets start from £20.
One of my students will be performing ! 

Breast Cancer Charity Event


October 2019

O M G !! ........... I've just seen this !!
Here's an extract :-

"The orchestra then provided the perfect accompaniment for Valentina Seferinova’s sensational performance of Ravel’s “Piano Concerto in G Major”. Her interpretation was in equal measures dramatic, energetic, serene and inspirational.

The opening iconic whip crack heralded an outstanding performance. The first movement fizzed along with stand out solos from the piccolo, trumpet, horn, harp, and a triumphant bassoon section but the breathtaking piano cadenza was the highlight. Many in the audience couldn’t help themselves in acknowledging the excitement of this movement with a spontaneous round of applause as it came to a ferocious full stop.

The sublime opening of the slow movement perfectly reflected the ethereal setting and Ms. Seferinova’s control of the tranquil and serene piano solo brought about an atmosphere of celestial beauty. The peace and calm were symbiotically supported by the sensitivity of the solo flute entry and the haunting cor anglais melody. With the exquisite final pianissimo piano trill, Valentina brought this movement to a poignant and emotionally-charged close.

The last movement once more gives the full orchestra the chance to shine and the atmospheric, jazz-like episodes, shared between piano and ensemble, promote the enjoyment for which this piece is so well known. Valentina’s perfectly presented virtuosic passages brought the first half to a vibrant and celebratory culmination."

Read the full review here :- Music in Portsmouth


Last Saturday (28th Sept.) night's performance of Ravel's Piano Concerto in G major - very well received ! In fact the whole evening was.
Some of the comments and messages I've received - still being received this afternoon ; some from fellow musicians :-
"Amazing concert tonight xx."
" ... congratulations to the nights' spectacular soloist Valentina Seferinova. Dad and I sat in awe of your playing ..."
"Valentina Seferinova was amazing."
"I still want to know how Valentina can keep all of these works and piano concertos in her head from memory. Mind blown xx."
"wonderful playing last night by Valentina Seferinova 👏😁"
" ... xxxxxx and I and my husband are all stunned by your playing. "
" .. big congratulations to your last night’s wonderful and successful performance ! ! 💐💐💐"
" Huge congratulation for ur Ravel concerto!!!!!!! I enjoyed it very much."
"Brilliant playing, a fabulous concert."
"........, Valentina, you were fantastic!!! 😅"
"What a fantastic concert, Valentina you bring Ravel to life!"
".... fabulous performance from you and the SSO orchestra, it was a hurricane of joyful rhapsody, amazing !"
But it was not just me - the whole Solent Symphony Orchestra was simply superb - not just in the Ravel ; the Berlioz was wonderful; the Mussorgski-Ravel stunning !


September 2019

Just noticed this FaceBook post by somone who attended the Gala Concert I participated in last night !!

Gala Concert Comment


Just received this publicity ...

SSO - The French Connection


Having lost some close family and friends to Cancer I feel it's my duty to support a concert in aid of Rowan's Hospice Silver Jubilee Appeal. In addition to being asked to accompany Rachel Newberry in a Premier Performance of composer James Smith's new piece for Flute and Piano entitled 'Papilio' at St. Peter's Church, Petersfield on Saturday evening 14th September, I will be performing a solo piano piece of my own choice.

I've chosen Pancho Vladigueroff's 'песен/Pesen (Song/Chant) op. 21 No 2' - a rare outing for this greatly loved piece ! :)

There's a YouTube video of the time I played this as an encore to an Orchestral audience in 2015.


If you would like to donate to Rowans Silver Jubilee Appeal please click this link. Thankyou in adavnce :)


August 2019

GCSE Results Day !!
Results and reactions flooding in ! 
Have already been messaged by the mother ("We are incandescently proud ...") of one of my teenage students : her daughter has achieved her Music GCSE - 2 YEARS IN ADVANCE !!
Soooo happy for her 


Returned from holiday to find this phone message from one of my junior students who'd just learned she'd achieved a Distinction in her Grade 6 results !  
Pleased for her beyond words. 



July 2019

Sneak preview of 2nd Movement (Adagio Assai - very slow) of last Saturday evening's Ravel 'Piano Concerto in G Major' with the Brunel Sinfonia. 



Sold Out

The only tickets are likely to be returns or 'no-shows' : maybe worth trying on the door on the night ! Or contact them to be put on the reserve list for any returns. Boxoffice@luminosamusic.com


Brunel Sinfonia tweet :-
"We're excited to be playing Ravel's piano concerto in G major with the amazing Valentina Seferinova. Concert on Sat 6th July 7:30pm at Redland Hall @RedmaidsHigh. Get your tickets now from @Opus13Music 
#Ravel #summer #piano #pimms"

0 replies . 5 retweets 6 likes

Image may contain: Valentina Seferinova, smiling, indoor


June 2019

Full orchestral program just announced for Solent Symphony Orchestra's Saturday 28th September concert - where I'll be soloist for Ravel's 'Piano Concerto in G major' at St. Thomas' Cathedral, Old Portsmouth.
Berlioz - Overture ‘Le Corsaire’
Ravel - Piano Concerto in G major
Mussorgsky/Ravel - Pictures at an Exhibition.


Just received publicity info. for my Saturday 13th July evening at St. Peter's Church, Petersfield ....

For more info see my website 'Engagements' page.


Just caught up with this Tweet doing the rounds ....


Honoured to be involved.
I announce my participation in Portsmouth's continuing D-Day 75 commemorations on Thursday Evening 20th June.
'Dona Nobis Pacem' ('Grant Us Peace').
I, together with my student George, will take the piano part in a repeat of last autumn's stunning SSO performance of Saint-Saëns 'Organ Symphony'


Am very happy to mention and promote 2 performance dates involving Jessica Gale, one of my former South Downs College students - who went on to graduate from Surrey University ; and also achieved her 'LRSM' !
I hope you're able to get to one of them :)

Jessica Gale


May 2019

Not yet received any notifications of any 'formal' reviews - but received this unsolicited message from a colleague who had an early copy of my recently released CD number 12:-
"Dear Valentina,
I just have to write and thank you for a lovely CD. I am compelled to write as your performance is so movingly and warmly executed that I had to stop what I was doing to listen to these miniatures. You are so gifted, Valentina, and I am so humbled to have you as a colleague and a friend.
Me ? Speechless and overcome !

Ludomir Rozycki


I feel so privileged, honoured and humbled...

This is what I unexpectedly received in the post a few days ago: 

A copy of Rachmaninoff's - Paganini Rhapsody signed by Stephen Hough himself !!

Such an amazing pianist, musician but most importantly - great Person!

Absolutely speechless, but very happy & thankful!!!

Stephen Hough CBE = British-born classical pianist, composer and writer = Musical Royalty !

More about Stephen Hough here and here.

Here are variations 16, 17, and 18 played Two Pianos/4 Hands - https://youtu.be/iopksG1h6jM

and the hauntingly beautiful and famous Variation 18 only - https://youtu.be/vc-RZ2YuLFQ


Stephen Hough Best Wishes
April 2019

It had been a long tiring intensive recording session (in Paris) to capture Corentin Boissier's "Sonata Appassionata".
After the 'official takes' were finished - Mike asked me for a complete run through - just for the video camera.
Sometimes Mike messes up !! - here's "Out Take #1" !!   


My latest CD is out!!
It was a bit of a wait, as I recorded it last June in Warsaw, but soo sooo worth waiting for!!! Very pleased and happy with my CD No 12 (Mike reminded me earlier) 
Big Thank You goes to everyone involved and supporting this fantastic project.

Ludomir Rozycki


March 2019

Music Exam and Grade results coming in thick and fast at the moment !

It's a fantastically well done to my student Kendra on achieving a maximum 30 out of 30 for the Performance element of her GCSE Music exam. Brilliant !


Proud teacher and Diploma student George, after last night's concert with the Solent Symphony Orchestra in Portsmouth and their "Sketches of Spain" program !


Some snippets of my recording Corentin Boissier's 'Glamour Concerto' with the Ukrainian Festival Orchestra, Conductor & Grammy Award winner John McLaughlin Williams, in Lviv, Ukraine at the end of February/beginning of March.

Not all 'takes' are successful ! ...

... but fortunately many are !! :) :)



Whilst I was away in the Ukraine, Edward Chyczewski reminded me that 1st of March was the anniversary of the birth of Frederick Chopin (209 years ago) So here to commemorate is a public performance I gave in 2012 of one of his most famous pieces - Fantaisie in F minor op 49.


February 2019

This afternoon (20th February), my student, Jimmy Alderson, achieved Honours (92 !) in taking The Recital Class of Portsmouth Music Festival.
He was also awarded The Clifford Benson Piano Prize for outstanding musicianship and communication.
Well done, Jimmy! Sooooooo proud of you!

Jimmy Alderson


Congratulations to my piano student Liam on achieving his ATCL Diploma!
He is now officially an Associate of Trinity College, London !
Well done Liam !


I am the Piano lecturer/music performance teacher/instructor at Havant & South Downs College's award winning Music Department.
2 weeks ago I took part in a 'Show Case' Open Evening event for current and prospective students and their parents/carers in our unmatched purpose built Recital Hall facility.
Here's the link 
Havant & South Downs College Music Department


January 2019
Just come across these French Newspaper cuttings of 20 years ago about myself and colleague Prof. Emilia Mihaylova - now sadly departed.
And our appearance & performance at Claude Debussy House & Museum, St. Germain-en-Laye, Paris, in 1999 on the anniversary of his birth - a rare honour to be invited for this annual anniversary concert. 
Will be making a professional re-visit to Paris - probably in April this year.
Yup - that's me bottom left in the first one ; and to the right in the second !!

Spent the afternoon in a 3-way Skype rehearsal with myself here in Hampshire, the French composer Corentin Boissier (on the right of the lap-top screen) in Paris, and the Grammy Award winning conductor John McLaughlin Williams (on the left) in the USA. !!
We're scheduled to meet in person in 7 weeks time in The Ukraine - but spent the time agreeing certain details of performing the 2 concertos before recording them for the very first time with Orchestra.

Heidi the dog took it all in her stride !!



It's going to be a very busy year - but am very much looking forward to it !!

